Win the Button powered by Tanqueray – Port Artur
10.09.2016 - 19:00
- Re-entry
- 27 / 20
- 27€
No Limit Texas. Unlimited Re-entry 195 min. JP Bonus fund €3. Straight Flush Jackpot fund 3€. Stack 8000. You receive 10% more Stack when You redeem ticket 2h before tournament start. Monthly ranking winner gets a €27 Win the Button ticket. Up to 20 best players from three-month ranking will be qualified for the finals. The finals will take place on October 29th, at 7:00pm. Jackpot will be played off at the final table between the five best players. In finals, the first five best players in ranking will receive 10 000 stackpoints, each next five finalists 8000, 6000 and 4000 points correspondingly. Cash Game
Osalejad (27)
- Red888 - 177.84
- Masterx - 153.14
- priito - 103.74
- DZ7777 - 59.28
- Andrjusa -
- Asperintsik -
- PureFrancis -
- konstantin m -
- Oliver L -
- elgo t -
- egert_A -
- TOM I -
- Re_entry1 -
- Pauka -
- kiisu88888 -
- Re_entry2 -
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- Re_entry4 -
- Re_entry5 -
- Kristi V -
- Re_entry6 -
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- Re_entry12 -
- …
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